Working In Ghana As An Expat Today – that will be the topic of today’s article.
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What do you picture when you think of Ghana? Perhaps beautiful beaches, stunning nature reserves or vivacious cities spring to mind. Perhaps not, but what should be top of your list is its world-class workforce. In a bid to understand the concept of working in Ghana as an expat, continue reading!
With Ghana’s burgeoning economy and relative economic stability in comparison with the rest of Africa (GDP growth has averaged around 8% for the past five years), now is an excellent time to move abroad to work in Ghana as an expat. Besides, most people who come to live here as expatriates do so for work.
However, there are a number of job opportunities available in the country. Not only is that, but we have lots of different jobs which you could undertake – including the traditional office jobs, or working for a non-governmental organisation (NGO). For those looking for work with NGOs, Ghana is an exciting place to live as there are several opportunities available.

Most expatriate workers in Ghana work for one of the many multi-national companies, both within the oil & gas sector and outside of it. In fact, Ghana also has a large number of international organisations which employ expatriate workers to do everything from maintaining computer systems to monitoring human rights abuse.
But how can you do so? To find out, we have compiled this article to meet your requirements, and extend beyond what you wish for. Working, and living in Ghana would definitely be a lovely and exciting one! Would you love to leave your country and settle to work in Ghana as an expat? Continue reading!
Step-By-Step Guide Below To Working in Ghana as an Expat
Before you start a career in Ghana, there are few things to put into consideration. In spite of this, you still need to understand the kind of visa applicable for those looking to work in the country. But, before that, let’s quickly take a look at the step-by-step guide to working in Ghana as a foreigner. So, check it out!
· Get To Know Ghana
As a destination, Ghana has a great deal going for it with beaches and coastal towns drawing in tourism from across Europe and North America. However, many of these visitors end up with a longing to return again following their trip. And this is excellent news for those thinking about working in Ghana as an expat. The time of year you go will affect your experience of Ghana significantly.
Between November and March, it’s very wet, although this is the best time to explore the coastal cities as well as a safari in Mole National Park or Bui National Park. The drier months are between May and August (winter) and September to October (summer).

Ghana is also a diverse country, with over 120 languages spoken by its people. This can make it an ideal destination to learn a new language. Not only will Ghanaians appreciate your effort, but you could find yourself getting paid for teaching English or another second language if you decide to work in Ghana as an expat.
Meanwhile, there are also many different cultures to explore depending on where you choose to work in Ghana as an expat. If you are planning on moving to Ghana, it helps to understand the culture and the people. In this case, you may need to read up on traditional customs before you venture there.
· Get Your Finances in Order
As a result of its relative economic stability compared to other African countries, Ghana has benefits from a more stable (and favourable) currency. The Ghanaian cedi (GHS), which has an exchange rate of one US dollar to about 5.4 GHS, makes it easier for you to earn in Ghana as an expat.
If you are planning on working in Ghana as an expat you should also research job opportunities and double-check your potential salary before you move to the country.
· Get a Visa and Leave Your Worries Behind
Although there are other ways to find work in Ghana as an expat, but the easiest way is to get a working holiday visa which allows you to work for one company for up to 12 months. With this visa you can also bring your dependents with you, so you can move your family to Ghana as an expat if you wish.
That being said, you should also double check the other visa requirements for working in Ghana as an expat or moving there permanently. However, the immigration department has a great deal of information to help you find out more here.
· Start Job Hunting
Once you’ve arrived in Ghana and sorted out your visa, you will need to find work if you want to stay there for more than a couple of weeks. Most people in the country speak English (although it’s good to learn some local languages too), so this is a great language to teach if you are planning on moving to Ghana as an expat.
In addition, you can also try and use your current profession to get a job in Ghana, from being a doctor to running your own business. Start by researching the job market and finding out what skills are needed in which regions of Ghana before you start applying for jobs.

· Get to Know Your New Home
Although there are a number of cultural differences between Ghana and your native country, so don’t forget to get out and explore the local area. There is a lot to see around Kumasi, for example, which has many different festivals going on throughout the year.
You can also visit Nzulezu, a stunningly beautiful town situated on the coast of Ghana’s Western Region, or explore Elmina Castle which is one of the largest fortresses built by Europeans in Africa. There are some real benefits to working in Ghana as an expat and many opportunities to enjoy a unique and rewarding experience. Whether you want to save money, learn a new language or explore a new part of the world, Ghana may be the perfect destination for you.
Benefits of Working in Ghana as an Expat
It’s not every day that an expat gets the chance to live in Ghana, with one of the poorest countries in Africa being a lot cheaper than most western nations. This is among the reasons why so many people are keen to work or study abroad in Ghana, as you can really stretch your money out here.
While it’s true that Ghana is a country with a lot of poverty, you can still enjoy yourself here as an expat. You’ll be able to go out at night and party, visit the beach regularly or even take part in one of many sports on offer. To help you settle into life working in Ghana as an expat, we’ve put together some key benefits that you can enjoy as long as you’re living and working in Ghana.
By looking at these benefits, it’s easy to see why so many people want to work or study abroad in Ghana! Just think – if life is cheap and the country has a lot to offer, what do you have to lose?
1. Health Care System
Healthcare is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a country, especially since you want to make sure that you’re going to be looked after should you need medical help. There’s no need to worry about this in Ghana as their healthcare system is world-class and much better than anything else found across Africa.
As well as private hospitals and clinics, there’s also a wide range of healthcare available across Ghana that expats can take advantage of. Who visit Ghana can enjoy having access to top-class medical professionals and facilities, taking their mind off any concerns about sickness or injury. As long as you’re working in Ghana and making money, you’ll be able to spend it on healthcare here!
The best thing about Ghana’s healthcare is that it’s all available at a really low cost, which makes staying healthy that much easier for expats living here. You can even set up your own private health insurance plan if you wish so that you’re still covered no matter where you go.
In addition, Ghana is a very stable country that welcomes expats from all over the world looking to work or study abroad. As long as you’re making money, you can spend it on anything you want – including healthcare. Moreover, there are lots of options available for expats who don’t have medical insurance so finding an option that works for you isn’t hard.
2. Education
Another important factor that people consider when choosing the country they want to work or study abroad in is education. Working and studying in Ghana allows easy access to all kinds of international schools for expats, along with opportunities to discover new cultures through learning. Due to this, there are lots of reasons why working and studying abroad in Ghana is a great choice.
Working and studying abroad in Ghana gives expats access to some of the world’s best schools. As a result, they don’t have to worry about their children having a poor education as these schools teach everything from maths to history through local languages. And this makes it easier for children to adjust to new cultures and nationalities.
One of the other benefits of working and studying in Ghana as an expat is that it’s far safer than countries such as South Africa or even the USA. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about your children getting caught up in any crimes as they’re unlikely to happen because there’s no need or want to do so.
3. Stability
One of the best things about living and working abroad in Ghana is that it’s very stable, with little chances of civil unrest or protests harming you or your family. This makes it one of the safest places for expats to live and work, especially if they still want to be able to explore the city and visit new places.
However, Ghana is one of Africa’s most stable countries, which means that you don’t have to worry about your security when living and working here. With this extra sense of safety comes open spaces, fewer protests and even cheaper goods – perfect for anyone looking to escape their own country for whatever reason.

4. Cheap Goods and Transport
Another great thing about working and living in Ghana is the fact that everything is so cheap. From groceries to clothes to cars, everything in this African country is much cheaper than in other parts of the world – making it perfect for anyone on a budget.
You can see why people moving to Ghana may be put off by the fact that it’s such an expensive place to live and work. But if you look at things from a different angle, you’ll see how cheap everything is compared to other parts of the world.
Living and working in Ghana makes it easy for expats to experience local cultures, as well as buy all the goods they could ever need in one place. This is especially useful for anyone planning on moving their whole family over to Ghana to work or study, as they won’t have to worry about not being able to provide them with everything they’d normally get at home.
5. Corruption-Free Environment
Another great benefit of working or studying abroad in Ghana is the corruption-free environment it provides. This makes it a great choice of country for anyone who wants to work and live somewhere they won’t have to worry about anything bad happening and where their money is safe and sound.
Unlike other parts of Africa or even Western Europe, working and studying in Ghana will leave you stress-free. The country is corruption-free so you don’t have to worry about your money disappearing, and its economy is booming so there’s no need to stress about the price of products.
Due to Ghana being a corruption free environment, people who are moving or studying here can be sure that their money won’t go to waste as it’s held in very high esteem. Unlike other countries, Ghana has no need for bribes or corruption which means that the government will be fair when it comes to how they spend their money.
Furthermore, people are drawn to different things in life, but working and studying abroad in Ghana definitely offers something for everyone who wants to try something new without giving up everything they already know and love. It’s definitely not for everyone, but it could be perfect if you’re looking to move abroad but don’t want to leave your family behind. Working or studying in Ghana also allows you to keep your loved ones close, while still experiencing a new country and culture that will no doubt provide you with new experiences during your stay.