Working In Croatia As An Expat part 3 – Here can be found Part 1 and Part 2.
5 Things to Avoid When Looking For Job in Croatia
When looking for a job in Croatia, it’s important to remember that not all the same rules apply to your home country. In this section, we will walk you through the things to avoid when looking for a job in a new country (especially in Croatia). Without further ado, here are five things to avoid when looking for work in Croatia.

Don’t Apply for Jobs you’re Not Qualified For
Just because you see a job opening in Croatia doesn’t mean you should immediately bag it. If you don’t have any experience in a particular industry or field, there is no point in applying. This will show up at the interview stage when even if they want to hire you, they can’t because you simply aren’t qualified for the job. You will waste your time and theirs.
Don’t Lie About Your Previous Experience
When you are applying for jobs, always tell the truth on your CV or at an interview. It is completely pointless to lie about your experience because this could come back to bite you at a later stage of employment. They might even check the references you have provided, so it’s best not to make things up.
Don’t Be Too Assertive
When negotiating pay at an interview, don’t be overly demanding. This can put off future employers, and they may doubt your commitment to their company if you are already set on a certain wage. They may even think you will leave for something better when it becomes available so that they won’t invest in training you.
Don’t Get Angry If Things Don’t Work Out
When looking for jobs in Croatia, you are bound to get turned down by potential employers quite often, especially if you are an international applicant. It’s best to take everything in stride and always think of the positive side; it wasn’t meant to be, but there is no reason why something else won’t come along.
Don’t Stop Looking For Work
Even though you find a job, that doesn’t mean you should stop looking for work elsewhere. Keep your options open and never feel complacent about your current situation. If there is something else out there you like more, then go ahead and apply for it (just make sure to keep your current employer informed).
Don’t Forget To Research the Company Thoroughly
Before going for an interview, it’s essential to research the company. This means looking into their history, what they do, and who their competitors are. You should also be familiar with the Croatian market to ask relevant questions in the interview. This will show that you are interested in the company and have taken the time to learn about it.
Requirements to Get Jobs in Croatia
The first step is getting some certificates. If you have a high school diploma, it’s probably not enough to get you on your way. You will need additional certifications, like basic education and vocational training.
Having these two will definitely help fill in your resume! But if you had any certificates geared towards more of specialization, like secretarial work or assembling vehicles, they would be good too!
Minimum Wage
The minimum wage is another requirement for getting a job in Croatia. The current minimum wage is 5300 kunas, which comes out to about $770. You can check the government’s website for any updates or changes on this.
Resume and Cover Letter

Having a good resume and cover letter (in Croatian) is a must if you want to score an interview. Your resume should be one page long and showcase your skills, work experience, education, and volunteer work. That’s why you need to prepare a well-structured resume when looking for a job as an expat.
Croatian Language
Speaking Croatian is a big plus for getting a job in Croatia. If you don’t know the language, it’s not impossible to find a job, but it will be much harder. On the flip side, it would be better to start learning Croatian today, and you’ll be one step closer to your dream job.
The age requirement for working in Croatia is 18 unless you have a work permit from the labor ministry. The ministry of labour will allow 16 and 17-year-olds to work if necessary for their education or training. So, ensure you have this in mind while working in Croatia as an expat.
As said earlier, there are tons of opportunities for expats wanting to work in Croatia. At the same time, you need to play your path by checking and researching all the requirements involved. Would you love to know more about working in this country as an expat? It would be better to refer to this article as an ultimate guide.