Jobs In Kenya For Expats – What Are The Best Options? part 2 . Part one is here.
7 Reasons Why Kenya Remains Best Place For Expat

With increased crime rates in many places, more corruption than ever before and unstable political systems causing business to fail, people are starting to wonder if they should move out of the country. However, some countries remain safe havens for expats with little or no fear of burglary or theft while still enjoying some benefits of a highly developed nation. Here are some of the main reasons why Kenya remains one of the best places for expats.
1. An Increasingly Stable Political Landscape
Over the last decade, Kenya has suffered from increasingly volatile politics rated as rated as volatile by the Economist Intelligence Unit. In 2008, President Mwai Kibaki passed away and was replaced by a Prime Minister, Raila Odinga.
Since then there have been numerous attempts from within the government to remove him from power which have caused significant unrest and political instability in Kenya with an increasing number of murders due to the conflict. In 2013 however, relations between the two men settled down and they formed a coalition government ensuring that Kenya will have a stable government for the next 5 years at least.
2. Peaceful Environment with Low Crime Rate
According to reports from Safe wise, Kenya is one of the safest countries in Africa. There’s little risk of burglary, with only 1 in 332 homes having been robbed in 2015. This is because Kenya has one of the highest police to population ratios in Africa at 384 per 100,000 people which mean that more than 300 officers for every 100,000 residents are active on the streets of Kenya. They will help keep crime levels low and ensure that there’s little fear of getting robbed.
3. A Fast Developing Nation with More Opportunities for Expats
Kenya is one of the fastest developing nations in Africa and that includes its business sector. Kenya’s economy has seen a steady growth in recent years with significant rise in the number of businesses being registered. There are also many growing industries in Kenya including agriculture, construction, financial services and tourism.
Fewer red tape when setting up a business in Kenya allows expats to focus on their investment rather than dealing with the bureaucracy of starting a business in some other countries. This means that Kenya is an ideal country for entrepreneurs to open their businesses and make good profit while also enjoying all the benefits of living in a tropical country.
4. A Booming Tourism Sector with Little Threat of Terrorism
Kenya is one of the main tourist attractions in Africa with many people from all over the world travelling to Kenya for its natural beauty and peaceful environment. Various activities such as balloon safaris, elephant riding and learning about local culture can be enjoyed by tourists without fear of getting hurt.
This is because the Kenyan government has been keen on ensuring that tourism remains safe and terrorism free. The country experiences very little threat from terrorism largely due to its strict security measures and surveillance systems.
Kenya also offers a peaceful environment for those who want to escape conflict or persecution in their home countries. For expats who don’t enjoy the same political stability as Kenya, it is a good place to find refuge until things get back to normal.
5. Great Climate with Less Power Outage
Kenya has a tropical weather which makes it ideal for expats from other countries looking out for warmer weather. Not only is the weather great but there are fewer power outages compared to other African nations while electricity supply remains fairly constant.
The country has one of Africa’s largest electricity plants at Olkaria which has a capacity of generating 1,800 MW of power with plans underway to increase its capacity in future. Easy access to other African countries with a friendlier bureaucracy
Kenya is a gateway country of Africa since it borders the Indian Ocean and serves as a port for many neighbouring countries. There are several options for travelling within Africa including bus, train or air travel. Travelling between African countries is also fairly easy with Kenya being part of the East African Community.
There are no language barriers when you visit other African countries because they have one or more official language which are either similar or the same as Kenyan languages. This makes it easier for expats to live in Kenya without having to learn a new language while still enjoying close cultural ties with African neighbours.
6. Great Weather That Lasts Throughout the Year

Kenya has a hot climate all-round with minimal rain in some parts of the country. This means that there is a perfect temperature in Kenya all-round the year. The country records rain mostly during the months of March, April and May with a possibility of heavy thunderstorms which make it a great time to enjoy outdoor activities such as scuba diving.
A friendly population that makes you feel at home instantly. Kenya has one of the friendliest populations in Africa with most people being hospitable. This makes it easy for expats to live in Kenya because they are welcomed by the locals just like any other Kenyan.
All over Kenya, one will find quite a number of expats who have made this country their home and have contributed quite significantly in the economic growth of the nation. The population is diverse, multi-cultural and respects cultural diversity; this makes it easy for expats to live in Kenya.
7. Great Educational Opportunities for Children of Foreigners
Kenya has great schools which are affordable by all strata of society. There are a number of international schools in Kenya, including the United Nations International School and The Rift Valley Academy which offer an international curriculum at affordable prices.
5 Tips to Get Job in Kenya as an Expat
1. Get Experience and References from Previous Jobs
Employers may be wary of employing those who have not worked before. Before you apply for a job, it will be helpful if you can show some detailed work samples such as photos, videos or diagrams. Also, try to accumulate as many references as possible from previous employers.
2. Fill out Your Resume and Cover Letter Meticulously
It is important you put in the address of the company as the recipient because some companies do not receive mail online. Also, be careful to include all names completely and accurately just as they appear on your passport or ID card. Make sure you list all your work experiences and skills you have.
3. Make Yourself Stand Out
Some companies are looking for specific skills or work experiences. If you do not have the right experience, look for ways to make yourself stand out in your application. Include any awards you may have received, languages spoken and examples of your work ethic if they are related to the job position.
4. Learn More about the Culture of Kenya
Kenyans are quite reserved, but that does not mean they do not like to get to know other people. It will help if you can learn a bit more about their culture and be patient with them when it comes to getting your point across. The process may be slower than what you are used to.
5. Dress to Impress
It is an unfortunate fact that first impressions are very important in the professional world. If you are invited for an interview, it will be wise to dress properly for the occasion. Try not to wear too much makeup or flashy clothing as this might have a negative impact on your potential employer’s opinion of you right away.
Frequently Asked Questions about Getting Work in Kenya

How can I get a job before I come to Kenya?
The first step towards finding work in Kenya is to obtain a certificate of good conduct (CGC), which you can apply for from your local police station. You should show the certificate to prospective employers before you arrive in Kenya as they may need a copy of it.
What Kind Of Work Can I Get In Kenya?
There are various possibilities for working in Kenya. There are many jobs available with the numerous departments of the Kenyan government, although these are more difficult to get without being able to speak fluent Swahili. Many people travel to Kenya with an employment visa expecting to get a job at one of Kenya’s safari lodges.
This is not always possible – particularly in the high season when many of these jobs are filled. Jobs with international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are frequently advertised, often on their websites or in local newspapers such as The Daily Nation.
What kind of salary can I expect?
Salaries are variable depending on the employer’s budget or needs. Most jobs in Kenya do not come with accommodation included, but this is negotiable. It is recommended that you ask for a written job contract stating your terms of employment.
Working in Kenya is quite easy compared to other countries in Africa. In fact, you’ll get job that you won’t even imagine. On the flip side, it’s quite essential to understand the process before moving to the country as an expat. Nonetheless, follow this platform for more updates regarding moving to Kenya as an expat.