How To Study Korean In South Korea part 2 – Part one is here.
Benefits of Studying the Korean Language

Korean is the official language of North and South Korea, making it an ideal choice for those wanting to study a language that is not widely spoken outside of its own country. The Korean language is unique compared to other Asian languages and strongly emphasizes grammar and verb conjugation. Due to this emphasis, Korea has one of the highest literacy rates in the world.
Studying Korean is also a great way to get involved with your local community and connect with new people! If you’re looking for a unique challenge, then learning Korean is definitely something that will benefit you in more ways than one! Let’s take a look at some of these benefits in more detail.
The Korean Language Is Very Unique
Studying the Korean language gives you an insight into a culture that not many people are familiar with, especially native English speakers. Learning how to read and speak Korean will open up whole new worlds for you, whether it be arriving at one of South Korea’s exotic beaches or hiking up Mount Seorak in the autumn.
A Great Opportunity for Self-Improvement
The Korean language is both practical and rewarding to learn. It allows you to be part of a small community and gives you an insight into Korean culture that not many other people will have! Due to the high literacy rate in South Korea, the opportunity to become involved in the business is greatly increased with the knowledge of the Korean language.
You Can Meet New People
As well as learning about a fascinating culture, studying these languages will allow you to meet a wider range of people and make new friends! Cafes and restaurants in your local area with a steady flow of Korean and Japanese speakers are great places to practice your language skills!

Learning Korean Keeps You Sharp
Studying a foreign language will keep your brain active and help you maintain healthy cognitive function as you age. Learning another language means that our brains have to adjust to manage two languages instead of just one, which could help reinforce the memory.
This is why many people start following different sports because it allows them to exercise both sides of the brain, increasing cognitive function.
Increases Memory and Concentration Levels
As we grow older, our brains begin to slow down and lose their sharpness. By studying a foreign language and keeping your brain active and stimulated, you are helping it slow down the degenerative effects of aging. Your concentration levels will also increase, keeping you focused on the task at hand.
There are so many benefits to learning the Korean language, and it really boosts your confidence when you start speaking to people in their native language. The written characters are unique and captivating, making learning this wonderful language an experience to be enjoyed by foreigners and Koreans alike.
If you’re looking for a creative and rewarding course to take up, why not consider studying Korean at your local college or enrolling in an online course such as the one provided by In-depth Korea.
Boosts Your Career Opportunities
Studying another language allows you to open up a whole new range of educational opportunities, leading to an increase in your career prospects. You’ll have more job options available to you, allowing you greater flexibility in the sector that you are working within.
Helps with Mental Health
It has been found that studying a foreign language helps improve our cognition and memory function, which leads to better mental health overall. Learning about another culture is always a great way to break the monotony of everyday life and give us a new perspective on things.
7 Differences between Korean and English Language

Korean and English languages share several similarities in grammar, syntax, and writing structure. There are still many differences that distinguish the two languages from each other. Here is a list of seven such differences.
Korean Nouns Do Not Require Pluralization
In English, there is no distinction between singular or plural nouns; they remain as one form. However, in Korean, five forms can be considered as plural nouns, each changing depending on the number of people involved in the action.
Verbs Do Not Change Based On Person
In English, verbs have several changes depending on who is being talked about or what is being talked about. For example, “I go” and “we go” have different meanings. In Korean, verbs do not change with who is doing the action or having the action done to them.
Adjectives Come Before a Noun
In English, adjectives usually sit after a noun, but in Korean, they almost always precede it. One exception to this is when an adverb modifies an adjective.
Korean Has No Articles
In English, there are a few exceptions to this, but usually, there is a distinction between a/an and the when referencing something. In Korean, there is no such variation. It only takes one form for both purposes.
Korean Has Postpositions
There are several cases in Korean where adverbial words come after the main word. Usually, it can be seen throughout verb conjugations and prepositions, but certain particles act like postpositions for specific purposes.
Korean Verbs Have the Function of Adverbs
In English, if an adverb modifies a verb, it usually comes before the main word. In Korean, this is not always true, as many functions that are done with adverbs in English can also be completed with a verb at the end of a sentence. For example, “I walk fast” and “I walking fast” mean pretty much the same thing, and both are correct despite the first one being incorrect in English.
These differences between the Korean and English languages might seem small, but they make a big difference in understanding each other’s writing and speaking. As such, it is essential for those who want to learn either of these languages to pay close attention to these differences.
No Object Pronouns While English Does
This means that when Korean people speak, they add on a separate preposition or verb to indicate who the action is being done by/to/with. This can be seen in their grammar and syntax quite often. For example, instead of saying “I saw the dog,” it would be said as “dog saw I.” If they speak English, it is possible that they forgot about this difference, and their speech becomes harder to understand.
Frequently Asked Questions about Learning Korean Language

What’s the best way to learn Korean?
Simply put, there is none. There are several ways people may like to learn languages; through speaking, listening, and reading—some like writing or computer programs. Therefore different methods of learning will be preferred by different people. For example, some prefer to read stories and make note-cards while others may prefer to watch TV shows and make a note of new vocabulary.
What’s the hardest part about learning Korean?
For some, it isn’t easy to get away from using English in their daily lives, but once they do, they will be surprised at how much easier they can express themselves without fumbling with the words in their second language.
How do I learn Korean?
As mentioned above, there is no one right way to learn a language. If someone wants to learn a language, then they will do it. It may take longer or be more challenging for some than others, but that should not stop them from making progress.
To learn Korean is to improve your future opportunities. The benefits of learning the language are many, and school officials will tell you that knowing the language gives you better chances of getting into college. To do this, you can check the language schools mentioned in this article. For more information, you can refer to this platform.