What are the best international schools in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – that will be the topic of today’s article.
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This interesting exotic country is located in Southeast Asia and consists of two parts, separated from each other by the South China Sea. The western part of Malaysia is the most developed, so about 80% of the local population lives there. Eastern Malaysia is less populated, but retained the remains of an evergreen tropical forest.
The capital of this small state is the city of Kuala Lumpur. The indigenous population is represented mainly by Malays and Chinese. Islam is practiced on the territory of the country. The state is actively producing oil, developing agriculture, and tourism. In addition, a fairly large number of electronics and household appliances are produced here. Malaysia is ahead of its Southeast Asian counterparts in economic development.

Let’s try to assess whether Malaysia is suitable for many Europeans to live. Some of our compatriots go there for permanent residence, hoping it is there to catch their luck by the tail, and some go to this tropical country for “wintering” to survive the harsh winters.
The advantages of living in Malaysia

- Good knowledge of English by the local population. For quite a long time Malaysia was a British colony, which explains the fluent English among the locals. All your requests and wishes can be stated in English, they will understand you and help in solving your problems. Agree, this fact greatly simplifies living in a foreign country.
- Opportunity to find a job. If you have education, little experience and knowledge of English, then most likely you will not have any problems finding a job. In addition, people with white skin color are quite in demand in many hotels and inns, giving them, so to speak, status. English translators are also valuable, as the influx of tourists from European countries is growing from year to year. The professions of teacher, doctor, engineer, programmer, as well as specialists in the field of tourism are in demand.
- Cheap electronics and home appliances. It is locally produced, so the price of these goods is quite affordable. The technique here is considered the cheapest in the world.
- Drivers obey the rules of the road (traffic is left-hand). In comparison with other countries of Southeast Asia, for example, with Thailand, the difference in the behavior of drivers on the road is very large. A pedestrian crossing the road need not fear for his life and health. True, all traffic signs are exclusively in Malay.
- Malays treat expats well. As a rule, residents of multinational states show tolerance towards newcomers. In addition, the local population is friendly, hospitable, welcoming and ready to help if necessary. The opportunity to feel “at ease” is worth a lot.
- Low crime rate. In Malaysia, you can feel calm and not worry about your safety. Alcohol is very expensive here, as in most Muslim countries, so the number of offenses on this basis is minimized. True, sometimes there are pickpockets. But compared to the level of crime in other countries, the crime situation in Malaysia is quite calm.
The disadvantages of living in Malaysia

- Difficulties in obtaining citizenship. Most expats have a work visa. To obtain a visa, the applicant must be at least 27 years old. After several years of residence in the country, you can obtain resident status. Dual citizenship is prohibited by local law. It should be noted that most of our compatriots are in no hurry to part with European citizenship.
- Dirty cities. Local towns and cities have a very unsightly appearance. Cleanliness is clearly not remembered here. Rats and bad smells on the streets are found in almost all countries in Southeast Asia, and Malaysia is no exception. For the sake of fairness, we note that garbage on the sides of the roads is a very common phenomenon in the vastness of our Motherland.
- Exotic cuisine. Local culinary delights will not be to the taste of a European due to the specificity of the raw materials and the large amount of spices. Milk and dairy products are practically not used locally. Bread is also exotic. If we talk about Chinese cuisine, which is also present here, then there is a lot of fatty and fried in it. But if you like rice, then it will be easier for you to adapt to the local cuisine.
- Poor quality of roads. Perhaps most Europeans will not feel much of a difference. Many countries’ roads do not please motorists with their quality. Apparently not only European countries is famous for its bad roads.
- Smog from forest fires. Not all is well with the environment in Malaysia. Rainforests are being cut down mercilessly to clear new oil palm plantations. In addition, old oil palm plantations are burned and new ones are planted. And so, in a circle. But smog in Malaysia is not only “of its own production”, sometimes it is brought by the wind from Indonesia, where fires often occur.

Education system in Malaysia
Education in Malaysia is controlled by the Ministry of Education (Kementerian Pendidikan). Although it falls under the purview of the state government, each education and federal territory has a Department of Education that coordinates education issues within its territory. The main piece of legislation governing education is the Education Act 1996.
According to the students’ reviews. they were satisfied with the teaching methods and enjoyed the learning process. Organization of school education for children:
- preschool education (4-7 years) is not compulsory: there are public and private kindergartens, as well as special training programs to prepare for school
- primary school (7-13 years old) provides for the Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) exam and prepares children for further education
- high school (13-17 years old) provides for the Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) exam
- upper secondary school (17-18 years old) leads to the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) exam.
Before the last year of high school, the student has the right to choose an academic direction for in-depth study using special methods.
Perhaps, at first glance, the desire to study in Malaysia will cause you bewilderment, because Malaysia is usually associated with clean sandy beaches and tropical forests. But, for today,
Malaysia is a modern multicultural country, and, importantly, a former English colony, where English has been the language of government for a long time. Today, English plays an important role in the country as a second language, and, to a greater extent, finds its application in the field of education.
Malaysia is a country with high rates of economic growth and a high standard of living, but low prices for education and living. According to the Glоbal Peace Index in 2011, Malaysia is the safest country in Southeast Asia and the 19th safest country in the world, which makes it even more attractive for international students seeking quality education abroad.
Secondary education in Malaysia is received in secondary schools, boarding schools, and private schools for 5 years. The main language of instruction is Malay, but English is compulsory. In addition, the required languages are Chinese or Tamil, depending on the nationality of the students. Arabic, Japanese or French can be studied as a foreign language.
It is important that in government primary and secondary schools, subjects such as mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry are taught in English since it is believed that students will not be hindered by language barriers during their subsequent education in various fields.
In addition to national schools, Malaysia has international schools that offer students the opportunity to study the curriculum of the country in which they plan to study in the future and greatly facilitates the process of adaptation of foreign students to Malaysia.
Upon graduation, graduates pass written final exams that are uniform for the whole country.
After graduation, graduates can study at private colleges. Most of these colleges are in partnership with overseas educational institutions, in particular in countries such as the US, UK, and Australia.
In terms of higher education, Malaysia has a large number of higher education institutions, both public and branches of elite international universities. Both local and international students can obtain a qualification at a lower education cost than in Europe, America, Australia, and other countries.

Foreign students will need a student visa to enter the country. The list of documents for obtaining a visa is standard. Each educational institution has departments for working with foreign students, and students can always count on qualified assistance in preparing documents. It is important to note that foreign students also have the right to earn extra money in their free time.
As with any major African capital, international schools in Kuala Lumpur offer high standards and a wide variety of curricula. Schools are regulated by the Department of Private Education (PED) under the Ministry of Education. They are known for being strict and will quickly fine any school that does not meet their standards. So rest assured the quality of education is excellent.
Due to KL’s British colonial past and general ties to the United Kingdom, English is the most widely spoken language of instruction. Along with the International Baccalaureate, the British curriculum is the most common. However, you can also find schools offering Australian, Indian, French, German, and American curricula. Much of the population of Kuala Lumpur is Muslim, so Muslim schools are everywhere as well.
International schools are in high demand among both local students and foreigners. Most international schools in Kuala Lumpur are located in the city center. In particular, you will find some of the most famous in Mont Chiara (central west) and Bangsar (central south). There are also groups of schools in the Great Klang Valley (of which KL is a part), as well as in Johor and Penang. Boarding options are available at many international schools, minimizing travel for your child.
Below we will talk about some of the best international schools in Kuala Lumpur. In the capital in total, there are 96 schools, so every expat has a wide range of options to choose from.
IGB International School (IGBIS)
The IGB International School (IGBIS) is a vibrant international school from junior to 12th grade that provides a dynamic, innovative and inclusive learning environment in which students are encouraged to excel in both academic and personal growth.
World School for International Baccalaureate (IB), IGBIS is the only school in Malaysia eligible for the full cycle of IB programs: Primary School Program (PYP), Secondary Education Program (MYP), Diploma Program (DP), and Career-Related Program (CP)).
In addition, IGBIS is the only school in Malaysia to be accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). IGBIS is also a member of the Association of International Malaysian Schools (AIMS), East Asia Regional School Council (EARCOS). Council of International Schools (CIS) and Next Frontier Inclusion.
IB education aims to develop inquisitive, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help create a better and more peaceful world based on intercultural understanding and respect. This philosophy is at the heart of the IGBIS curriculum, collaborative curriculum, and extracurricular programs to inspire students to become principled citizens of the world.
IGBIS is committed to providing our students with a high-quality international education. In an inclusive learning community, students receive a challenging, caring, and holistic education. Their IB teachers with international experience are trained to create an integrated curriculum through devices and digital platforms that empowers their students to learn throughout their lives, striving to make a positive contribution to their global society.
At IGBIS, they understand that in order to prepare students for their increasingly complex and interconnected world, they must provide them with new ways of thinking and new ways of collaborating on their most pressing global challenges.
Thus, their mission goes far beyond preparing students for admission to good universities and successful careers; they want to create globally-minded and critical-minded innovators who are ready to change the world for the better. In short, they live by their vision and mission, as well as our catchphrase “Igniting Minds: Acting on Lives.”

German School in Kuala Lumpur (DSKL)
The German School in Kuala Lumpur (DSKL), funded by the Central Schools Abroad Agency (ZfA), is a German school abroad supported by the German School Association of Malaysia (DSM).
The main goal of the German School of Kuala Lumpur is to give its students an education based on the German education system, which will allow them to obtain a German matriculation certificate. In addition to their emphasis on academic excellence, they provide the students with the opportunity to engage in intercultural experiences while learning about the history, culture and daily life of their host country, Malaysia.
In the Upper Secondary Education section, grade 10 students take part in the Upper Secondary Final Exam and receive an O-Level Certificate (or Upper Secondary Education Qualification) and/or a qualification for admission to the second stage of secondary education, which leads to the German language. Children of all nationalities with sufficient knowledge of German can be admitted to DSKL from kindergarten.
However, children of Malaysian nationality need permission from the Malaysian Ministry of Education prior to admission to DSKL. In addition, they offer children whose families do not live in the vicinity of Kuala Lumpur the opportunity to stay in their supervised home in Petaling Jaya.
Currently, about 70 children from grades 1 to 4 attend primary school, it is indeed a very small and family environment.
The primary school is well integrated into the managed school community. To foster social cohesion and create a trusting learning environment for their children to reach their full potential, they organize projects and community events on campus.
Their classrooms are equipped with the latest technology and teach in a warm and friendly atmosphere. They apply a variety of open pedagogical concepts and teaching methodologies based on their belief that this approach will best suit the diverse learning needs and abilities of their diverse student body.
In elementary school, they know every child and strive to educate every child as a person so that a student feels welcome and at home in the school community.
Seifol International School
At Seifol International School, they believe in the pursuit of knowledge.
Their goal is to provide a holistic education for every child on the CYFOL path for whom CYFOL was created. In this way, they ensure that their students are well prepared for the education that will motivate them to live in the 21st century. At the same time, the friendship, values , and self-confidence they create here will provide all of their saifolians with an invaluable foundation for their advancement towards higher education.
The mission is to unleash the potential of each student.
- Develop them intellectually, emotionally, socially, creatively, morally and physically to become responsible, tolerant, discerning, confident and competitive citizens in a demanding and challenging world.
- Nurture learners throughout life by encouraging and developing imagination, creativity, independent thinking, academic excellence and enthusiasm for life.
As teachers and parents, they strive to encourage every child to reach their maximum potential in an environment of intercultural understanding and respect.
They strive to develop awe, imagination, creativity, independent thinking, academic excellence, and a passion for life.
They imagine how students will leave them as outstanding personalities with good character, ready to confront anything and solve the problems of a rapidly changing world.
Epsom College in Malaysia
With over 150 years of history, Epsom College in the United Kingdom (ECUK) has trained a significant number of Malaysian and international students in its hallowed halls. It was this network of alumni, affectionately referred to as Old Epsomians, that saw merit in emulating the prestigious ECUK platform in Malaysia.
Epsom College Malaysia (ECiM) was founded in 2014 with the aim of sharing ECUK’s educational philosophy with the international student community. Situated on a 50-acre site in Bandar Enstack, south of Kuala Lumpur, the school offers the best British education for students aged 3-18.
The school town, where students grow in spirit and body, is equipped with the latest technology. Teaching and learning takes place in high-tech and environmentally friendly buildings that meet international safety standards. In addition, the sports facilities are not only extensive but also of quality rarely found in the international school sector.
Epsom College Malaysia offers full board, weekly boarding, and day school options. The traditional British House system fosters a strong sense of belonging and community. However, it is the emphasis on pastoral care that sets Epsom apart. Indeed, pastoral care is considered a hallmark of education at Epsom College and is an integral part of all school policies and practices.
Epsom College Malaysia’s staff, from teachers to housewives and housewives, mentors, and their families, reside on the school campus, providing a confident presence that helps students feel safe at all times.

GEMS Tropicana Metropark International School
GEMS Tropicana Metropark International School, Subang Jaya (GIM) offers Foundation Years to 12 in English for students from Malaysia and around the world. Through an enriched Cambridge / English National Curriculum that includes Malaysian subjects and components, it contributes to the achievement of outcomes that will enable their students to develop a good understanding of home/host country as well as competence and confidence in global aspirations.
Their staff educates and inspires excellence in both academic and continuing learning skills by continually revising and developing a curriculum that fosters student success by simulating honesty and mutual respect while fostering a commitment to a lifelong love of learning.
The success of the students will be measured not only by academic achievement but also by their personal achievements in a broad sense, as well as the impact they have on the lives of others, in other words:
- Responsible
- Infatuated
- Confident
- Innovative
- Reflective
The school is committed to providing all students with a high-quality and diverse British-style education. Academic qualifications and academic performance are the keys to admission to a good university and future success in life, but they believe values-based education is just as important.
This value-based education is expressed in their four core values that are woven into their academic and continuing education programs. Through the values, they encourage participation, feedback, progress, and independent learning, empowering learners to take responsibility.
Students learn to celebrate diversity in a spirit of understanding and tolerance and to develop positive attitudes and awareness of others.