UN Foreign Retirement Pension Explained – that will be the topic of today’s article.
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In order to improve conditions for UN employees and their families, a United Nations Pension Fund under the direction of the UN Joint Staff Pensions Board was set up in 1948. The pension fund is based on voluntary contributions from staff members and employers. Each participating country makes payments according to a schedule determined by its income level, population size, and other factors.
As of today, the UN foreign retirement pension has evolved into one of the UN’s most important benefits, particularly for UN staff members recruited from developing countries. Those who retire overseas receive a monthly UN pension equal to half their basic salary, plus reimbursement for medical expenses not covered by the host country.

However, the UN provides a number of international organizations, both UN-affiliated agencies, and UN Peacekeeping Missions. And for this reason, a UN foreign retirement pension is available to staff members of UN-affiliated agencies or UN Peacekeeping Missions who have given at least 5 years of service to the UN.
Have you been surfing the internet to know more about the UN foreign retirement pension? Look no further, as we’ve got you covered here. As a staff of the United Nations, you deserve some foreign retirement pension, right? Of course, but it might require a daunting process to get the right things fixed.
But, worry less as we’re here to guide you on how it works. In this article, we have compiled the interesting facts about United Nations foreign retirement pension. Not only is that, but you’ll also understand how it works, the benefits of working for the United Nations, and many other things to mention a few. Does that sound interesting? If you answered yes, read further to get the full details.
10 Interesting Facts about UN Foreign Retirement Pension

For you to understand the United Nations foreign retirement pension, it’s quite essential to know the interesting facts attached to it. But before that, let’s quickly walk you through the meaning of the UN foreign retirement pension. Without further ado, take a look at what it entails below.
What is UN Foreign Retirement Pension?
As research disclosed, the United Nations Foreign Retirement Pension is known as a retirement benefit provided by the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF) under article 28 of the regulations, rules, and pension adjustment system of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF). Below are the interesting facts.
1. Pension is higher than Private Sector
As with other UN staff members, UN retirees who have reached the age of 65 receive an UN monthly retirement pension. Moreover, this is based on the UN annual salary at the time of retirement and length of service. Besides, United Nations retirees are not required to pay the employee contributions, so the pensions are much higher than private-sector ones.
2. Double UN Retirement Pension
Another interesting fact about the United Nations foreign retirement pension is that people who have served with the UN for at least 30 years can receive a double UN foreign retirement pension. Meanwhile, they can receive the pension after they reach the age of 70 if their second UN employment was for at least five years and they were UN employees for at least 35 years.
3. UN Foreign Retirement Pension Increase Of 20%
As a retired staff of the United Nations, you have the opportunity to receive a UN monthly increase in your pension. However, you might only be given this pension increment if you retire before the age of 60, or your UN employer terminates the contract or job without notice or grounds within five years from the UN pension effective date.
4. Retirees Children are entitled to UN Allowance
Another thing to take into consideration is that the UN retiree’s child can receive a monthly allowance until they reaches 18 years of age or 23 years old if attending a university. In that case, always have it in mind that your children will be lucky if you found yourself working for the UN on a permanent job.
5. United Nations Pension Benefits
Foreign retirement pension replacement rate and exclusive benefits are what retirees of the UN will certainly enjoy. In fact, research made it known that about 85% of the UN regular staff member’s salary can be replaced by UN pension benefits. This means, most times, your employment benefits can be better compared to working in other private sectors.
6. Retirement Pension for UN Retirees’ Widow(er) s
One thing the UN foreign retirement pension will also give you is the widow’s opportunity. However, the UN retiree’s widow(er) can receive a monthly allowance until he or she reaches 60 years of age. More so, if the organization employee did not received his/her regular employment pension at the time of death, the UN will take it into consideration and give the benefits to the third-party that’s entitled to it.
7. Receiving Medical Insurance
If you don’t know before, it’s high time you understand that the UN foreign retirement pension comes with a medical insurance. In fact, it’s not only that the retirees will receive medical insurance but their children can also get a medical insurance until they reach 70 years. So, be rest assured of your health conditions whenever you found yourself working for the United Nations.
8. UN Contribution Refund Opportunity
Aside from the ones mentioned above, the UN retirees can receive also receive UN contribution refund if they terminate employment voluntarily. Not only is that, but you can also receive the contribution opportunity if the employer terminates them without notice or grounds within five years from United Nations pension effective date.
9. UN Foreign Retirement Pension Underpayment
If you’re unable to get the United Nations retirement contribution refund, you still have the opportunity to get the foreign retirement pension underpayment. Aside from this fact, you can also receive the interest on these unpaid contributions. Therefore, working for the UN is such a wonderful opportunity.
10. Constant Pay
Another interesting fact that got people’s attention to work in this organization is the retirement pay. While working in the United Nations, you’ll always receive a constant pay even if you retire. So, getting this kind of job should be considered a life time opportunity. And that’s why the recruitment process is hard.
Benefits of Working for the United Nations
Most leaders, diplomats and government employees work with the United Nations (UN) as a major international organization. In fact, they are recognized as peacekeepers, while they serve in various conditions, dealing with difficult political situations that require extensive training and experience.
In addition, they can often find themselves facing sudden and unexpected danger, which requires them to make the right decision. Meanwhile, when it comes to working or retirement in the United Nations, many foreign UN officials recognize that they can apply for a foreign retirement pension. In the long run, this will help them maintain their standard of living during retirement. Let’s quickly walk you through the benefits of working for the UN in this section.
Retirement Benefits

The United Nations’ foreign retirement pension is one of the best forms of foreign government pensions, especially if the leader is from an underdeveloped country. Besides, the foreign retirements are one of their major benefits. And this is because; it’s based upon their years of service in the UN.
Furthermore, this foreign retirement pension is calculated in relation to their highest salary earned, not their last salary received before termination or retirement. This means that someone who receives a low salary with many years in service may receive very high foreign retirement pension payouts.
To qualify for foreign retirement pension, the foreign official must have served at least 8 years with the UN. This excludes any time spent in foreign military service. However, only foreign foreign service counts towards their foreign retirement pension qualification. Besides, the combined amount of salary earned over the years cannot exceed ten times the value of the foreign official’s country’s per capita gross national income.
Other Things to Know about United Nations and Benefits
Ever since its inception, the United Nations has been at the forefront of world affairs. Its enduring presence, set up with its charter in 1945, makes it a very significant part of their history. This organization helped the World recover from the devastations etched by World War II and brought about initiatives toward global peace.
These are impressive feats for which any country or organization can be proud to be a part of. However, the United Nations is not only about peace and conflict resolutions. It also cares for its workers in their retirement. These employees are entitled to several benefits which include life insurance, pension plans and various other schemes that help in furthering their welfare and keep them happy at all times.
As of the time of writing this article, we can tell you that he United Nations offers a wide range of benefits to its employees, which are not limited to financial gains alone. Entitlement to these benefits is dependent on the length of employment with UN and other related factors.
Nevertheless, there are seven main types of benefits that are offered by the United Nations. Besides, in order to enhance morale among workers, while also attracting people from the best of educational background and skills, the seven main benefits that workers can expect to receive from UN are:
- Retirement benefits, including pension
- Life insurance policy
- Medical coverage, including both in-patient and out-patient care
- Health services for their dependents
- Educational allowance for their dependents
- Tenure security
- Subsistence allowance for foreign travel.
With the information above, this shows that not only are United Nations’ employees given the opportunity to work in one of the best places in the world but they are also taken care of when it comes to their well-being.