UN Expat Jobs – Which Country Have The Best Opportunity For Expats – that will be the topic of today’s article.
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The United Nations resembles the infamous club Berghain as people would say. Here, everyone wants to get in, but hardly anyone knows how it goes. But, one thing is for sure, it’s not about how you dress, or your home country. There are at least three common factors that hinder young professionals from getting a good job in the UN.
Meanwhile, the biggest problem remains that many young professionals have great respect for the name and underestimate their likelihood of getting hired. On the flip side, the UN does not target students or young professionals on campus or through the recruiting events like other organizations.
Hence, many young graduates don’t get in touch with the representatives of the United Nation system. And thus, don’t get exposure to the full breadth of opportunities that are out there. Last but not least, the UN information policy definitely has room for improvement, especially in terms of clarity, and homogeneity. So, don’t expect one exhaustive central portal, but several for different programs in UN.
Have you been surfing the internet to get the right information about UN jobs? Or you probably would love to secure a position in the UN but don’t know the process? Look no further as you’ve landed on the right platform. To find all the jobs related to United Nations, you’ll have to read more to know how it works.
However, in this article, we will walk you through the countries that have the best opportunity for expats. Not only is that, but we have also compiled the pros and cons of working in the United Nations and every other thing you need to know. Would you love to explore what we’ve unleashed? Read further!
Interesting Facts about Working in United Nations
In case you need to know more, the UN is an international organization that was founded in 1945. At the end of the Second World War, many countries came together to focus on global peace, climate change, humanitarian emergencies, and country development.
However, the organization has become a forum for countries to negotiate and solve problems together in a regulated environment. In this section, we will walk you through the interesting facts you need to know about the United Nations. Without further ado, check these cool facts below.
· U.N Has Almost 200 Member States
Just as we’ve disclosed on our previous post, there are currently 196 member states in the United Nations. These individual states are all known by the UN as members of the international organization. Besides, there are only four countries that are non-members of the United Nations. The countries include; Kosovo, Palestine, Taiwan, and Vatican City, and more. Besides, these countries have received invitations to join the U.N. but are yet to accept.

· U.N Was Proposed in 1942
As history revealed, the United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt coined the term United Nations on January 1, 1942. Representatives of 26 nations came together at that time in order to fight the Axis Powers during World War II. However, the United Nations did not officially create a charter until 1945.
· U.N Prioritizes Specific Global Issues
Conflict resolution and peace-making are the efforts of the United Nations, but the organizations have many other branches of foreign assistance. Through its specialize program, the United Nations, addresses global issues such as climate change, ending world poverty, children’s right and international laws, and many others to mention a few.
· Hosts International Court Hearings

The main body of the United Nations judicial system is the international court of justice as of today. This international court comprise of 15 judges who each serve nine-year terms and are elected by the U.N. general assembly and Security Council.
This court provides legal advising and settles disputes between member states. Aside from this that, they regulates global commons, such as environmental conservation, international waters, outer space and global trade.
· U.N Has the First Definition of Human Rights
According to our research, the United nations General Assembly drafted the first Universal Definition of Human Rights. This was drafted by representatives from different legal and cultural backgrounds to make the organization more comprehensive. Also, it sets out fundamental human right that could be protected; condemning slavery, torture, imprisonment without trial and prejudice.
Why It’s Hard to Get a Job at the UN?
If you’re planning to apply for a United Nations job or position, don’t expect it to be easy. In fact, working at the United Nations can be a fantastic career, but it required a long processing time. Jobs at this place means working for one of the most prestigious organizations in the world whilst tackling some of most urgent global issue.
Although all of the factors such as; specific needs for skills, years of experience, and others can make getting a job within the United Nations tough, but don’t get discovered. We’ve broken down some of the areas that can make getting a UN job hard and show ways you can mitigate and work towards landing your dream job here.

1. You Often Need to Speak Two Languages
One of the first things you need to put into consideration when applying for any United Nations Job is the language requirements. The UN has six official languages, and they are; Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish.
In this case, any job roles in the United Nations often require English, and at least one other UN language. This, however, makes the UN jobs difficult to get as candidates need to have high professional levels of speaking.
2. United Nations Jobs are Highly Competitive
Always have it in mind that getting a UN job is highly competitive, and this can make it hard to get. And because they’re well respected and highly paid, as well as allowing for international trade, it’s an exciting career that people would love to secure. But the high level of competition could hinder the process. However, it is important to remember that the United Nation is a huge organization.
3. The United Nation for Diversity
According to research and recommendation, the United Nation is made up of 193 countries, all of which send staff to work in its agencies. This can be great for someone looking to work in other countries. However, it can also mean that it is difficult to get a United Nations job because the UN actively recruits for a diverse workforce and some countries, especially richer western ones, can be oversubscribed for jobs.
4. You Will Need to Acquire Relevant Skills
Another thing to consider whenever you want to apply for United Nation jobs is the relevant skills. Depending on the kind of job you want to apply for, your positions will need a specific skills targeted or related to your role. This can make things get complicated because it can take several years of work, as well as formal education to develop many of the skills needed for jobs at the United Nations.
5. Strong Professional Experience is needed
Aside from the relevant skills, the strong professional experience is also essential when you’re applying for the United Nations Job. In fact, even entry-level professional positions within the UN require a minimum of 2 years relevant work experience. This way, the level of experience UN jobs require can make things complicated and seems hard to get.
6. Good Education Requirement is Essential
A reason job at the United Nations can be hard to get is that the UN requires a high-level of education for their employees. More so, nearly all UN jobs require a master’s degree in a relevant subject. So, application to the United Nations job positions need to complete their studies at a top universities which can also add to the difficulty in securing a job within the United Nations.
7. United Nations Job Can Be Complex
The United Nations is notorious for having a complex recruitment stage and difficult application process. In fact, the UN structure and HR set-up can make understanding UN positions difficult. That’s why we can tell you that the UN can be bureaucratic and slow, also making it hard to secure jobs within the UN.