How Do Expats Get Married In Dubai part 2 – Part one is here.
Overview of the Marriage Law & Tradition in Dubai

Dubai is an Arabian city in the UAE known for its extreme modernization. The area has become a popular tourist destination, with many American’s choosing to live there because of its cultural tolerance and economic stability.
With over one million residents, the country has embraced much of the modern world while still holding onto its religious traditions. Monogamy is not banned, and a couple may marry as they please, but Islamic law is observed closely.
Under Sharia Law, there are strict rules about the requirements for a marriage to be considered legal within the UAE. In order for a marriage to be recognized, it must have two witnesses who can validate that both parties agreed to enter into the contract of matrimony. This is the only requirement, but there are a few other circumstances that can affect a marriage in court.
In Dubai, many marriages are prenuptial agreements recognized with an official document from the government recognized as a Marriage Contract. This is recognized by two witnesses and must be signed by both parties before exchanging money or property between them.
In the event that a family member of either party claims they have been coerced into the marriage, they can file a complaint against their spouse with an official document called a “Prohibition Request.” This is a court-issued order to stop a couple from being able to live together or cohabitate legally.
You Must Be At Least 21 Years Old
Marrying a minor under the age of 21 is not permitted in Dubai. In order to enter into matrimony, one party must be at least 21 years old, while the other should be 18 or older. However, courts are permitted to grant females aged 16 or older and males aged 18 or older to marry.
Provide Your Last 3 Months’ Salary Slips As A Proof
Dubai doesn’t allow marrying someone already married, so divorcees and widows/ers looking to remarry need to present their last three months’ salary slips as a requirement for marriage registration. The salary slips are confirmed as proof of income and solvency.
Not Everyone Can Be Married From Home
In Dubai, you aren’t allowed to be married in a place other than a government marriage office. Also, you can’t marry someone of inferior status, including non-Muslims and those with mental illness. Besides, a person can’t be married to a minor or someone already married.

You Must Have a Valid Residence Permit
In Dubai, it is mandated that those wishing to enter into matrimony apply for permission from the competent authority as required by current laws and regulations. In addition, those residing in the UAE on a visit visa are obliged to apply for a marriage license before celebrating their marriage.
You Are Only Allowed Up To Four Wives
Islam is the official religion of Dubai, so Sharia Law is the doctrine on which the daily affairs of residents are based upon. It’s permitted to have no more than four wives, provided that one is able to fulfill all his/her marital duties and support them financially. And it’s illegal to have a temporary marriage contract here, other than in some rare circumstances.
You Can’t Marry a Non-Muslim
In Dubai, you can’t legally marry someone who is non-Muslim. And neither party must be another Muslim without getting prior permission from the Sharia Court. All marriages between Arabs and foreigners, as well as Emiratis and foreign women, are banned in Dubai until further notice.
You Can’t Marry More Than Once
According to Dubai law, it’s not permitted to marry more than once. It means that those who are already married and want to remarry need to wait to complete their divorce procedures before they apply for another marriage license. Also, if one is able to obtain permission from his wife or her husband, he/she is permitted to marry again after the completion of his or her divorce procedures.
You Can’t Get Married If You Are Ill
In Dubai, you’re obliged to present your spouse with a health certificate before being allowed to register for marriage. A medical statement should be issued by an authorized government hospital stating that one can physically engage in a sexual relationship.
Frequently Asked Questions about Marriage in Dubai

What do I need to get married in Dubai?
Applicants wishing to marry must provide their Emirates ID card, birth certificate, and passport. The Misdemeanour Court carries out a civil marriage. Religious ceremonies are performed by official religious authorities on weekdays except Fridays before noon or on Saturdays after evening prayer times.
How long does it take to get married?
It takes approximately one week after submitting all of the above-mentioned documents to get married. Applicants are required to make an appointment with Court on Wednesdays, Fridays, or Saturdays depending on their nationality, sex and religion. Saturday appointments are only compulsory for Muslim applicants.
What happens at the marriage ceremony?
During the ceremony, consent is given by both applicants in the presence of a registrar before an official witness. The registrar will then issue a certificate to be submitted to the Dubai Courts within 48 hours for registration (this does not include weekends and public holidays).
How much does it cost to get married?
The total cost for a civil marriage is AED 1,100, which includes the services of a registrar and medical check-ups. Religious wedding costs vary according to the ruling authority.
When can I be married?
Applicants can be married from Monday through Friday from 09:00hrs until 13:00hrs except Fridays before noon and Saturdays after evening prayer times for Muslim applicants.
Can I change my name after marriage?
Under Sharia law, a wife is entitled to keep her maiden name by a written undertaking from her husband after signing the civil marriage contract before a registrar. A woman can also choose to use her husband’s name or her name, depending on the circumstances.
Are there special laws for foreigners in Dubai?
No, there are no different rules for marrying a foreigner. The conditions are the same as required for any other nation. A valid civil marriage conducted outside the UAE is also recognized under Sharia law towards residency requirements if both parties are Muslim or have applied for an official change of nationality to the UAE.
What about divorce?
A husband can file for divorce after he has presented his grounds for annulment; then, the matter is heard by a Sharia Judge, who will issue a final judgment on whether or not to dismiss the case.
Grounds for annulment include insanity, impotence, lack of judgment, being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, marriage to another person during the engagement period, and not informing one’s spouse about an existing marriage.
A wedding in Dubai is special because of the city’s beauty and its incredible skyline. Expats will often flock to this area for work, but it can be difficult to meet people when colleagues constantly surround you. Nonetheless, you can navigate this platform to know more about the websites meant for dating in Dubai.