Expat Taxes in Uruguay Today part 1 – that will be the topic of today’s article.
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Living in Uruguay is great. But if you’re an American expat, there’s one thing to watch out for: taxes. Why? This is because; even though Uruguay has a suitable tax treaty with the United States, it only covers income from employment—not investments or pensions. But are there lots of things to consider?
The good news is that there are ways around this problem. For example, you can set up a company in Uruguay and have it pay your salary. This will be taxed at a lower rate than if you were to receive the same income directly from an American employer. Another option is to move your investments and pensions overseas.

Although this can be tricky, but some companies can help you do it. Whatever you do, don’t wait until the last minute. Besides, the Uruguayan tax authorities can be quite bureaucratic, so it’s best to get started early. Also, tax treaties between countries are designed to prevent double taxation – that is, the situation where a person or company pays taxes on the same income in two different countries.
The United States has tax treaties with more than 70 countries, including Uruguay. These treaties cover a wide range of issues, from income taxes to estate taxes. In general, the tax treaty between the United States and Uruguay is quite favorable to American expats. For example, it covers income from employment, self-employment, pensions, and investments.
Today, we will walk you through everything needed to know about the expat taxes in Uruguay. That being said, we have compiled some of the benefits of expat taxation, tax on overseas income, and many others, to mention a few. Would you love to know what we’ve unleashed for you? Read further to get the details!
5 things to know about Expat Taxes in Uruguay

Expats in Uruguay can rejoice at having such a low-tax jurisdiction to call home. Living and working here will allow you to keep more of your income than in most other places in the world. But don’t get too excited just yet, because there are definitely some things that you need to know about the tax system before making a move. Without further ado, below are the five things to know about expat taxes.
- You will need to pay income tax on Uruguayan-sourced income, regardless of your residency status.
- If you’re resident in Uruguay, you will also need to pay tax on foreign-sourced income.
- You can claim a tax exemption on a certain amount of your foreign-sourced income (this varies depending on your residency status – more on that below).
- There are some exceptions to the residency rules – for example if a foreign government or company employs you or you work for an international organization.
- There are penalties if you don’t pay your taxes on time.
10 Benefits of Expat Taxes in Uruguay

If you are an expatriate in Uruguay, living in the country for more than six months, or you have your permanent residence there, then you will have to file Expat taxes in Uruguay. This is true regardless of whether you are an Uruguayan citizen or not.
If this is the first time that you have heard about Expat taxes in Uruguay, you might be wondering what they are. Well, expat taxes refer to the income tax that has to be paid by all individuals who live abroad for more than six months. Sometimes people also call it overseas income tax.
The first thing you have to do if your situation is to review your residency status. This will help you determine what tax bracket you fall into. There are three different tax brackets in Uruguay, and each one has its own tax rates. The good news is that, even though you have to pay Expat taxes in Uruguay, there are many benefits associated with it. Here are 10 of them:
You Can Save Money on Your Taxes
One of the biggest benefits of expat taxes in Uruguay is saving a lot of money on your taxes. Uruguay has a very favorable tax regime for foreigners, and you can take advantage of this by declaring your income and assets in Uruguay. This can help you to reduce your overall tax bill and can save you a lot of money in the long run.
You Can Reduce Your Tax Liability
Another advantage of expat taxes in Uruguay is reducing your tax liability. If you are a resident of Uruguay, you will be taxed on your worldwide income, but if you are a non-resident, you will only be taxed on income earned in Uruguay. This can be a big advantage, especially if you earn most of your income outside Uruguay.
You Can Get a Tax Refund
If you pay taxes in Uruguay, you may be entitled to a tax refund. This is because the Uruguayan government offers a number of tax deductions and credits that can help reduce your tax bill. For example, you can claim a deduction for your mortgage interest payments or contributions made to an employee savings scheme.
Uruguay Has Low Tax Rates
Uruguay has one of the lowest levels of income tax in South America, and this can be very beneficial for expats who are looking to reduce their tax liability to the minimum possible amount. There is an income tax in Uruguay that applies to residents, but it only starts to apply once you earn an annual income of around $18,000. For expats who are making a lot more than this they can take advantage of the fact that they only need to pay tax on their Uruguayan income, which can save them thousands in taxes.
No Inheritance or Death Taxes
One of the benefits of expat taxes in Uruguay is that there are no inheritances or death taxes. This means that you can pass on your assets to your loved ones upon your passing without being forced to pay a large tax bill. Uruguay also doesn’t have a gift tax, so you can also give some of your money away while you’re still alive without having to worry about being taxed.
Uruguay Doesn’t Have a Wealth Tax
Uruguay has no wealth taxes, so regardless of how much money you have in the bank or your property portfolio, you won’t be taxed on it. This can be especially beneficial to expats who may want to leave their assets and investments in Uruguay for several years before returning home and using them there.
Uruguay Has No Capital Gains Tax
Uruguay has very low levels of taxation, and this includes having no capital gains tax, which can be beneficial to expats who are looking for a place to invest their money without being taxed on it. This is basically income that results from selling or exchanging a non-inventory asset, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, or precious metals. So, if you’re looking to make some money from your investments, Uruguay is a great place to do it.
Uruguay Has a Territorial Tax System
Under the Uruguayan tax system, only income earned in Uruguay is taxed. This is known as a territorial tax system, and it’s one of the biggest benefits of expat taxes in Uruguay. It means that you can earn income from foreign sources without paying tax on it in Uruguay, which can be a big advantage if you’re earning money in another country.
Very Favorable Double Taxation Agreement Network
Uruguay has a very favorable double taxation agreement (DTA) network, which means that it has signed agreements with a number of other countries to prevent double taxation. This is important for expats, as they won’t have to pay tax on the same income in more than one country.
Uruguay Is A Stable and Safe Country
Last but not least, one of the biggest benefits of expat taxes in Uruguay is that it’s a safe and stable country. It has never had a military coup, and its economy is relatively strong compared to other countries in South America. This makes it a great place to live and do business, and it’s one of the reasons why so many expats are choosing to move here.
5 Types of Taxes in Uruguay

So, you’ve decided to move to Uruguay, and one of the most important questions you have is “How much am I going to pay in taxes?”. Well, today, we’re going to take a look at the five main types of taxes that can be found in Uruguay.
1) Income Tax
Income tax in Uruguay applies only on salary income and is progressive, with different brackets for residents and non-residents. The tax rates are as follows:
- Up to UR$187,000 per year: 0%
- From UR$187,001 to UR$611,000 per year: 8%
- From UR$611,001 to UR$1,500,000 per year: 16%
- Above UR$1,500,000 per year: 20% (individuals) or 25% (corporations).
2) Property Tax
There are two types of property taxes in Uruguay; one is paid to the municipality where the property is located, and the other is paid to the national government. The first one is called “Bienes Inmuebles Rurales” (BIR), and it applies only to rural property, such as farmland or ranches – taxed at a rate of 2% of the property’s value.
The other type of tax is a generalization for all other types of property and is called “Impuesto a los Bienes Personales” (IBP). This tax is levied at a rate of 0.25% to 1.5% of the property’s value, depending on the province it’s located in.
3) Capital Gains Tax
Capital gains tax applies to profits made by the sale of certain assets. For individuals, gains obtained from the sale of real estate located in Uruguay are taxed at 10%. Gains made by selling shares or quotas (stocks) held for at least one year incur no tax.
4) Withholding Tax
Withholding tax is charged on payments made to non-residents, such as dividends, rent, royalties, and interests. The tax rates vary depending on the payment type but are generally around 15%. Also, a 10% withholding tax is charged on the gross proceeds of the sale of Uruguayan securities to non-residents. Moreover, the tax is collected at source on payments made to non-residents who are directors or employees of Uruguayan companies.
5) Value-Added Tax
Value-added tax (VAT) is a consumption tax levied on the value added to goods and services. The standard rate in Uruguay is 21%, but there are reduced rates of 10% and 0% for certain items, such as books and medicine. In addition, most types of food are taxed at a rate of 8%. Finally, there is no VAT charged on exports or financial transactions.