Cambodia NGOs And Non-Profit – What Kind Of Jobs And Volunteering Opportunities Exist? – that will be the topic of today’s article.
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Not many people know what an NGO actually is. They are quite commonly mistaken as the same thing as non-profit organizations which they are not. But they do have a lot of things in common and that’s why international volunteering opportunities with NGOs and non-profits can be very similar.
An NGO is a Non-Governmental Organization that you’re probably already familiar with. In fact, the World Wildlife Foundation is a good example of that or Amnesty International. But the uniting factor in NGOs is that they are not governmental organizations and their main objectives are quite different.
What they do is to try and affect some kind of social change such as education equality in all countries, stopping world hunger, and many other things. Not only is that, but Non-profits also work towards the same goal of making the world a better place, but they are often smaller and more local.
In Cambodia today, there are many NGOs working in different fields. Just to name some examples: First Step Cambodia works on the issue of child prostitution while Cambodian Volunteers for Community Development work towards education equality among children, And Afesip Cambodia that helps victims of human trafficking.
So what kind of jobs can you get or volunteer? The simplest answer is: anything. Besides, worry less, as we’ve got you covered on this platform. We have compiled this article to explain the kind of jobs and volunteering opportunities that exist in Cambodia NGOs, and Non Profit. Are you ready to see what we’ve unleash for you? Well, continue reading to get the details of what we’re talking about.
Understanding Cambodia NGOs and Non Profit Opportunities

You can be a volunteer English teacher in primary schools. Not only is that, but you can help out with the construction of houses for villagers, and work on human rights issues. Moreover, you can even teach children about AIDS prevention, and many others to mention a few.
As of today, the job market for Cambodia isn’t very good and many locals work for very small salaries. This way, the international volunteering industry has become quite popular. Some people work as volunteers just to spend their vacation while others volunteer because they want to travel the world.
In the long run, they help out at the same time but there are also those who genuinely believe in changing society for the better and will do almost anything to achieve that goal. In spite of that, there are many websites you can navigate to as an expat, suitable for international volunteering opportunity.
Some of these platforms include; such as or Even though it’s a good way to spend your time and enjoy different country at the same time, always keep in mind that these opportunities aren’t always easy. Meanwhile, you’ll have to adjust yourself to a different kind of lifestyle, working hours and culture, but in the end it can be well worth it.
Useful Tips When Preparing For International Volunteering Experience
Before you pack your belongings and travel abroad for any international volunteering experience, there are many things to consider. As an expat, you have to get a to-do list of what you’ll achieve and your plans as a volunteer. In this section, we have compiled some useful tip that’d help you in the long run.
· Don’t Go Abroad With No Idea
Try not to go abroad with absolutely no idea or plan about what you’re going to be doing, unless you’re quite confident in your abilities and like to improvise.
· Do Your Researches before You Travel To Any Region
As an expat, it’s quite good to make a list of NGOs, Non-profits and their respective fields (the more specific the better). Besides, it’s also essential to get in touch with them through email or social media. These kinds of organizations usually welcome people who want to help out but don’t expect them to hire you without asking any questions. Of course, you can always write a letter introducing yourself and ask if they have any international volunteering opportunities for this year.
- Try to get in touch with the person responsible for volunteers – Nobody knows better than what the organizers can tell you about the job description and the kinds of people that are needed at that particular time and place.
- Make sure that the country you’re going to be living in safe, and healthy for expat
- Don’t take anything for granted because these kinds of opportunities are mostly about building relationships. This way, if you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to ask questions before deciding whether or not to go abroad.
Kinds of Jobs and Volunteering Opportunities in Cambodia

There are countless numbers of jobs opportunities and volunteering jobs today in Cambodia today. While some require specific educational background or professional licenses, others only need the passion to pursue it.
As a country that has experienced tragic war for many years, Cambodia still faces many social issues. In fact, poverty is widespread in the cities and countryside of this Southeast Asian nation. Not only is that, but Cambodia is one of the poorest nations in Asia Pacific region.
Again, the economy of Cambodia continues to grow steadily but slowly, with projected GDP growth at 6% – 8% annually. Incomes remain low, with GDP per capita estimated to be around USD 1,300 in 2010, representing a real increase of about 2.5 percent annually from 2003 to 2010 (UNDP).
However, Cambodia has implemented many initiatives aimed at poverty reduction and improving life for its citizens. Cambodia Country Strategy Paper, The Cambodian Development Cooperation strategy paper, and many others is a roadmap for development in Cambodia for 2010-2015.
Additionally, the Strategy was approved by the Council of Ministers on March 18, 2010 with an overall objective to contribute to poverty reduction and socio-economic development through sound macroeconomic planning and effective use of available resources.
There are many opportunities to work as a volunteer at orphanages. However, volunteering is the perfect way to experience this beautiful country and help those in need. Without further ado, below are the top 10 kind of jobs and volunteering opportunities that exist in the country.
1) Teach English
This may be one of the most popular volunteer activities, and it makes a big difference for Cambodian kids to learn English. You can find any type of teaching opportunity, from tutoring a child after school to teaching English in an orphanage.
Also, you can teach in a public or private school, though it may be good to have a background check if you’ll be working with children. This is because; some schools prefer their teachers to have teaching certificates and/or experience. More so, if you want something social work related, you can also teach English to adults at language schools or colleges.
2) Teach Math, Science, or Technology
Another volunteer opportunity is teaching students difficult or harder subjects like math, science, computer skills, etc. However, schools are always looking for volunteers to help with this type of things. In this case, it might be easier than you’d think to find an opportunity.
3) TEFL Certification
As an expats, it would be better if you can get your teaching certificate before coming to Cambodia. This will give you more options for teaching positions, and sometimes schools prefer it if their teachers have a TEFL certification. So, if you want to teach after getting your certificate, but don’t want to do the course beforehand, there are some online options as well.
4) English Corner
A fun way to practice speaking English with native speakers is going to an English corner. You can meet people and have a good time by just talking in English in Cambodia. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, it’s a great chance, and opportunity to meet new people and improve your language skills.
5) Online Teaching
If you are not able to come to Cambodia, but still want to teach English, there are some options for you too! You can become a teacher on VIPKID and teach kids from China. It’s an easy system where the kids can see you via webcam and follow your instructions. You don’t need experience or TEFL certification, just a bachelor’s degree.
6) Medical Internship
We understands that it may not sound the most appealing at first, but a medical internship in Cambodia is a great way to save lives. You’ll be helping real doctors and nurses at clinics and hospitals, which will definitely give you some great experiences.
7) Volunteering with Animals

Cambodia has many amazing places to go to volunteer with animals. As an expat, you can help elephants, tigers, monkeys, and many others to mention a few. There are so many opportunities here that it may be difficult to choose just one, but you’ll certainly have a blast helping out these beautiful creatures.
8) Climb the Angkor Wat Temples
If you’re interested in history, this is one of the best ways to help Cambodia. Volunteering with temples is a great way to give back to the country and explore at the same time. You’ll do whatever you’re comfortable doing, whether it’s cooking for people or serving as an extra set of eyes by watching over the site. There are many different kinds of temple volunteer opportunities available depending on how much you’re willing to help.
9) Teach at a Special Needs Center
This type of teaching is very helpful for Cambodian children who may have developmental disabilities or mental health problems. You can start by teaching English to people who want to learn, but if you think you could go further there are other options as well. You can teach music or art, and if you want to do something more social work related, there are opportunities where you help the students with their school work too.
10) Work with Children at an Orphanage

If you love kids, this is an excellent way to go. Cambodia has a lot of orphanages that always need help, so you might be able to volunteer even if it’s only for a short time. Working at an orphanage is a mixture of fun and serious stuff. You can teach English, play games with the children, etc., but there will also be some tasks around the compound where you’ll have to do things like clean or cook for everyone.
Furthermore, even if you don’t choose one of these volunteer opportunities mentioned above, there are always other ways to help out Cambodia. You can fundraise or donate money on websites like GoFundme, then meet with NGOs that will distribute the funds directly to people who need them.
Sometimes even just writing a letter is enough! If it’s your birthday, you can ask for money instead of gifts. There are endless possibilities, and it all helps Cambodian people in one way or another. So if you’re looking to do something great and give back to Cambodia, any of these volunteer opportunities will be a good place to start.